
Safely and Securely Decommission Your Data Center

We are a data center decommissioning service that specializes in helping businesses of all sizes safely and securely decommission their data centers. We understand the importance of protecting your data and equipment, and we work closely with you to develop a decommissioning plan that meets your specific needs.

Our services include:

  • Data erasure: We use a variety of methods to erase all data from your IT equipment, including overwriting, degaussing, and physical destruction.
  • Equipment removal: We carefully remove all IT equipment from your data center, taking care to protect it from damage.
  • Asset recycling and remarketing: We can help you recycle or remarket your IT equipment, helping you to maximize your return on investment.
  • Project Design: We help you create a roadmap for the safe, secure, and environmentally responsible removal of IT assets and infrastructure.
  • Project Management: We meticulously plan and execute the secure shutdown, removal, and responsible disposal of IT equipment.
  • Packaging & Logistics: Our 5-Star IT Asset Packaging service guarantees the secure and immaculate delivery of your technology, every time.

Our Experts are at Your Service

We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality data center decommissioning services. We are fully licensed and insured, and our staff is highly trained and experienced.

Why choose us?

Contact us today for a free consultation.

Let's Discuss Your Needs