What is Degaussing a hard drive

What is Degaussing and Why is it Important?

In today’s digital age, protecting sensitive information is paramount. When you’re done with a hard drive, floppy disk, or even magnetic tape, simply throwing it away isn’t enough. Even if you format the device, data recovery specialists might still be able to access your files. This is where degaussing comes in.

What is Degaussing?

Degaussing is a data destruction technique that utilizes a powerful magnetic field to scramble the information stored on magnetic media. Imagine your hard drive as a giant magnet, with tiny magnetized regions representing your data. This process exposes the drive to an intense opposing magnetic field, effectively scrambling those regions and rendering the data unreadable.


  • Unparalleled Security: This process is a government-approved method (by organizations like the NSA and DoD) for secure data destruction. Once degaussed, your data is gone for good – no worrying about data breaches or unauthorized access.
  • Eco-Friendly Solution: Unlike physical destruction methods like shredding, degaussing doesn’t generate any harmful waste. The drives themselves can often be recycled after the process.
  • Cost-Effective: This process is a relatively inexpensive way to ensure complete data sanitization.
  • Fast and Efficient: The process typically takes just seconds, making it a quick and convenient solution.

When to use Degaussing Vs. Shredding

Degaussing a hard drive is best for cost effectiveness as it’s cheaper than shredding. Unlike shredding, this process enables the reuse of the drive due to it not harming the drive physically. Plus, the process is very quick and you can have your hard drive back in a matter of seconds.

However, shredding is the safest option as it permanently renders the drive unusable and makes the data unreadable as well. It is the only option for SSDs (Solid State Drives) as they cannot be degaussed due to the fact that they store data electronically and not magnetically. Damaged drives may not be the most reliable for degaussing as well. This process is the best choice if you want to reuse your drive or need the data destroyed quickly and without much of a cost deficit.

Choose White Glove IT

At White Glove IT, we understand the importance of data security. We offer secure and reliable degaussing services to ensure your sensitive information is permanently erased. Our team of experts utilizes state-of-the-art equipment to guarantee complete data destruction.

Ready to securely dispose of your old IT assets? Contact White Glove IT today for a free quote on our data destruction services. We offer a variety of options to fit your needs, and we’re dedicated to providing you with peace of mind.

Let White Glove IT handle your data destruction needs – contact us for more information!